Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai

Hoarding advertising in Mumbai are large outdoor ads that are placed along roads, highways, or in metropolitan areas on billboards. These advertisements are usually referred to as “billboard ads.” Their main goal is to draw in onlookers and motorists as they are big in size, have bright colours, and full of strong messages. Hoarding advertisements are used to promote brands, introduce new products, or make public announcements. Their goal is to get noticed and immediately reach a large audience.

They are a crucial part of out-of-home (OOH) advertising, taking use of the benefit of recurrent exposure as people commute on a daily basis, when strategically positioned in high-traffic areas. Advertising hoarding works well because it can effectively reach a wide range of consumers with a succinct and memorable message. This makes it an effective strategy for improving brand recall and recognition. 

Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai

Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai


Large, stationary advertising displays called “traditional billboards” are often erected on roadside constructions and can be seen in bustling cities and on highways. To draw the attention of cars and pedestrians, they usually have eye-catching, bold designs. Traditional billboards are very useful for public announcements, product debuts, and brand advertising because of their prominent positioning and broad audience reach. Their stationary design guarantees constant visibility, which makes them an essential component of out-of-home (OOH) advertising campaigns.


Electronic displays that display dynamic material, like rotating advertisements, films, and animations, are known as digital billboards. They are positioned in busy places, such as highways and cities, and draw attention with their eye-catching images and dynamic messaging. Because of their adaptability, these billboards let advertisers broadcast several adverts on a single screen and refresh content quickly.  

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Cost for Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai

Hoarding advertising costs vary depending on various factors, including the size of the hoarding, the duration of the campaign, production costs, placement location, illumination, and inventory availability. Larger hoardings are more visible and cost more, while longer campaigns lasting 1-2 months are more affordable. Production costs include design, printing, and installation, with complex creative designs potentially increasing these costs. 

Placement locations with heavy foot and vehicle traffic, such as airports, metro stations, bus stops, and major roads, are more expensive. Illuminated and digital hoardings offer 24/7 visibility but carry higher rental fees. Inventory availability may also affect pricing, as high demand public events or seasons may make prime spots difficult to book. Pricing is flexible and negotiable, but brands should get quotes from multiple vendors before deciding. Reputable hoarding agencies offer affordable and transparent pricing tailored to campaign goals and budgets.

Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai

Why Choose CrownMedia as your Hoarding Advertising Agency

Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai
Hoarding Advertising in Mumbai

We have a broad staff of strategists and creative directors working on our hoarding advertising. Their combined experience spans decades and includes expertise in branding, visual communication, outdoor advertising, and campaign strategy. Every business has seen the successful launches of our hoarding advertisements.

Many accolades have been given to our designers and copywriters for their outstanding work in concept, art direction, and messaging for hoardings and other outdoor formats. We will create your campaign with all of our creativity and skill. 

We don’t employ a fixed method that works for everyone. To create a unique strategy and media plan for you, our billboard advertising firm will thoroughly investigate your brand, target audience, competitors, and goals. Many brands have had their most successful outdoor campaigns thanks to our smart approach. We create strategies as per your demands. 

When compared to KPIs like brand lift, leads, sales, and ROI, our campaigns actually produce results. To set goals and monitor the effectiveness of campaigns, we’ll collaborate closely with you.


Being among the top hoarding advertising companies in Mumbai, Crown Media can assist you with strategic vision and expertise to create innovative hoarding ads that captivate audiences and generate results, regardless of whether you’re a startup company starting your first outdoor campaign or an established business looking to boost your brand presence. Hoarding advertising in Mumbai can be beneficial for marketing if done well. 

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