Exclusive Rights with Crown Outdoor Media only

Foot Over Bridge

FOB (Foot Over Bridge) attracts maximum crowd at any railway station usually used by all commuters for moving towards entry- exit points, waiting for the trains or simply changing the platforms.

We provide exclusivity to clients by creating this FOB into a unique and attractive way of advertising through LIT Boards. We only allow one client to advertise at the entire FOB at a time. Giving it a very premium and effective advertising campaign.

Foot Over Bridge Advertising in Mumbai


  FOB Connecting East n
    Media (LIT Boards):
  • Size: 4ftx3ft – 40 qty
  • Size: 18ftx4ft – 1 qty

* Package Rate: Call for Pricing

Foot Over Bridge Advertising in Mumbai


  FOB Connecting Ghatkopar
    Media (LIT Boards):
  • Size: 6ftx4ft – 35 qty
  • Size: 4ftx3ft – 30 qty (double sided)
  • Size: 16ftx3ft – 2 qty, 10ftx3ft – 2 qty

* Package Rate: Call for Pricing

Foot Over Bridge Advertising in Mumbai


  Middle FOB Connecting East n
    Media (LIT Boards):
  • Size: 6ftx4ft – 50 qty
  • Size: 2ftx2ft – 30 qty (double sided)
  • Size: 10ftx3ft – 4 qty

* Package Rate: Call for Pricing

Foot over bridge advertising in Mumbai has become an increasingly popular medium for brands to reach your desired consumers. With a large commuter population crisscrossing the city daily using pedestrian bridges, foot over bridges offer an uncluttered advertising space right in the consumer’s walking path.

Our agency specializes in foot over bridge advertising in Mumbai and helps brands effectively utilize this unique out-of-home channel. We handle everything from concept to execution – right from obtaining permissions from civic authorities to designing and installing creative brand campaigns on foot over bridges across Mumbai. We also specialize in Railway station board advertising.

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Our Approach for Foot Over Bridge Advertising

At our Foot Over Bridge advertising in Mumbai, we take a strategic and creative approach to campaigns on pedestrian footbridges across the city. Our philosophy is centered around maximizing visibility for brands by hyper-targeting key commuter demographics and locations. 

We begin by identifying the consumer audience and needs for each client. Who are they trying to reach? What actions do they want that audience to take? Understanding these goals allows us to select the optimal foot over bridges near public transit hubs, busy roads, schools, and other high-traffic areas.

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Our Services as a Foot Over Bridge Advertising Agency​

At Crown Media – Foot over bridge advertising in Mumbai, we are a full-service advertising specializing in foot over bridge advertising campaigns. Our end-to-end service include:

Media Planning
Our strategic media planners have extensive experience selecting the best foot over bridge locations to reach your target audience. We analyze foot traffic patterns, demographic data, and other factors to determine ideal sites for your advertising. Whether your goal is heavy impressions or hyper-targeted reach, we develop customized media plans tailored to your brand’s objectives.

Creative Development
Our talented creative team will conceptualize eye-catching creative designs tailored for foot over bridge placements. We specialize in creating bold, high-impact visuals that capture attention as pedestrians pass by your ads. All our creative work is focused on your brand’s messaging and designed to deliver results.

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Our Reach Through Foot Over Bridge Advertising​

Station Board 11With over 10+ years of experience, our foot over bridge advertising in Mumbai has built an extensive network across Mumbai and other major cities in India. We currently have exclusive access to premier Foot Over Bridge locations that see heavy daily foot traffic from commuters, travellers and pedestrians.

In Mumbai alone, we cover over 100 Foot Over Bridges in key areas like Dadar, Bandra, Andheri, Borivali, Churchgate, CST, Thane, Navi Mumbai and more. Our FOB advertising solutions can effectively target audiences at major suburban railway stations, metro stations, highways, flyovers and bridges across the city

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Contact us​

Get in touch with us for a consultation or proposal on how we can help promote your brand using foot over bridge advertising in Mumbai. Our team of experts is ready to discuss the possibilities and create an innovative and effective advertising campaign tailored just for you.
We have years of experience placing ads on foot over bridges across Mumbai. Our relationships with city officials and bridge owners allow us access other agencies simply don’t have. We’ll help you choose the optimal locations to reach your target demographic, whether it’s college students, professionals, or families.

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Call us today: +91 9833344444 / +91 9833340004

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